Tuesday, 16 February 2016



While small bleeds seep inside your mind
Creeping stealth intent unkind
A thousand tears tear through my heart
My soul engaged and ripped apart

Your journey is not made alone
But isolation dark and grown
Knaws at your peace and stirs black fear
I am not able to stay near

They say this is not personal
They say we should be very proud 
They say to focus all our will
On appreciating time allowed

Sometimes you realise the game
Sometimes you shrug away the pain
Sometimes you want the clock to stop
Sometimes you smile and break me up

I want to celebrate your life
And tell you everything will be alright
I want to stroke away anxiety
And bring you restful, gentle days

They say this is not personal
They say we should be very proud 
They say to focus all our will
On appreciating time allowed


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